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Association des Professeurs de Français de le Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan Association of Teachers of French



APFS is a provincial network of education professionals that promotes the teaching and learning of French as an additional language.


To connect immersion and core French professionals in Saskatchewan, fostering their professional development in pursuit of excellence.


Inclusion, sharing, community, service, and creativity.


To network immersion and core French teachers and deepen the Francophone presence among educators, particularly focusing on language and culture in Canada and Saskatchewan.

  • Share the needs of immersion and core French teachers with our professional and community partners.
  • Establish a network among immersion and core French teachers through in-person and/or virtual activities.
  • Listen to and communicate with members.
  • Promote the development of teachers by offering professional learning opportunities and sharing resources.
  • Increase the visibility of APFS.
  • Diversify APFS’s financial resources.
  • Maintain and support the APFS board of directors.

Historique des présidents de l’APFS
Years Name
2024-Présent Oumar Sylla
2021-2024 Wybo Ottenbreit-Born
2019-2021 Leah-Marie Fornwald
2017-2019 Melissa Stevens
2015-2017 Hali Burt
2013- 2015 Jessica Irvine
2011-2013 Marie Fagnou
2011-2013 Céline Patenaude
2007-2009 Robert Tessier
2005-2007 Wybo Ottenbreit-Born
2003-2005 Stephanie Rincker
2001-2003 Connie Carignan
1999-2001 Eileen Remke
1997-1999 François Gervais
1995-1997 Lucie Anderson
1993-1995 Roy Anderson
1993-1993 Lucille Dubé
1990-1993 Denis Carignan
1988-1990 Jacqueline Handerson
1986-1988 Marie Fagnou
1984-1986 Peter Charles
1981-1984 Steve Pidsosny
1977-1981 Bernard Morin
1976-1977 W. Hubbard
1975-1976 Clarence Briand
1973-1975 Révérend Jean Papin
1971-1973 Florent Bilodeau
1969-1971 Révérend Jean Papin
1967-1969 W. Hubbard
1966-1967 Révérend Jean Papin
1965-1966 Harvey Chatlain