The Association des professeurs de français de la Saskatchewan / Saskatchewan Association of Teachers of French (known then as L’Association Franco-Catholique des Instituteurs de Saskatchewan or AFCIS) was organized in 1954 to promote better teaching of French and to improve professional standards. In 1962, the membership was approximately 500 French speaking teachers in 17 locals across the province.
The association has publications dating back to the 1960s consisting of newsletters beginning in 1964, journals in 1969 and a Bulletin de service beginning in 1969.
The original goals of the APFS/SATF were:
- To improve instruction, the curriculum and teacher competence
- To improve practice in the teaching of French by increasing members’ knowledge and understanding
- To act as a clearing house for ideas and a source of information and trends and new ideas
- To furnish recommendations and advice to the STF Executive and its committees on matters affecting the curriculum in French, the choice of texts, methodology, the setting of exami9nations, etc.
-researched by Shirley Humphries (November 2007)